How Commercial Cleaning Services have Adapted in a Post Covid Era

People are especially cautious of how they engage with the world in this post-Covid era. New commercial cleaning techniques that were developed during the pandemic with widespread support, are still being requested by clients and staff alike. People are more cautious when it comes to touching other people, surfaces or just touching things in general. We have all grown more conscious of the health risks surrounding us.

Customers would like to see organizations and businesses increase the attention given to cleanliness, particularly if the business operates indoors. Those that are perceptive to their customer’s expectations are giving cleaning a higher priority compared to pre-Covid times. They have turned to professional cleaning services that have the knowledge and understanding of the new level of cleanliness that is expected.

Can the Coronavirus Spread through Touching a Surface?

When an infected individual coughs or sneezes and droplets from their mouth or nose land on a surface, you can definitely catch the Coronavirus. You can catch the virus if you unintentionally touch something that has been contaminated by the person. Additionally, the Coronavirus can infect you if you spend as little as 15 minutes within 6 feet of an infected person.
This again goes to show how important regular cleaning and disinfecting really is and why it has been prioritized by many business owners. Businesses are more often than ever before turning to professional office cleaning services to protect their customers and employees from contracting any illnesses.

How to Sanitize Correctly to Stop the Spread of COVID-19

We have compiled a guideline for proper cleaning and sanitization of the workplace to stop the spread of Covid-19.

Cleaning Air Ducts

Something we have all come to value more during the pandemic is clean air and ample ventilation. By cleaning your air ducts regularly, the air quality will most likely improve. You can get rid of any contaminants like soot, dust, or other irritants that may reside in your ducts.

Carpet Cleaning

Carpets often house things like dust mites, mold spores, dirt, pet dander and other allergens. Regular carpet cleaning decreases the number of germs that are flowing within your commercial space. It also helps your carpets look better for longer and they become more comfortable underfoot when clean.

Cleaning of your Floor Mats

Do not underestimate the power of clean floor mats. Not only can you prevent accidental slips, but clean floor mats also make your place of business seem tidier. In fact, clean floor mats can subconsciously reveal to your customers that you take cleaning seriously in your business to protect your staff and customers alike. This can create a positive first impression and can make people feel more at ease to conduct business there.

Deep Cleaning Services

Deep cleaning became a regular habit of some companies, and it has remained popular ever since. Deep cleaning refreshes your office as it prevents the buildup of dirt and grime and removes any possible bodily fluids like sweat and droplets from sneezing and coughing. Deep cleaning services will make your place of business feel safe and welcoming once more.

What can I do to Prevent Covid-19 From Spreading?

Cleaning your environment is the best way to stop Covid-19 from spreading. Protecting your staff and client’s health can be done by maintaining regular cleaning habits and paying attention to the details. We have compiled a list of cleaning techniques for office or house cleaning, that includes items to be cleaned on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Daily Cleaning Procedures

Vacuum all office and home floors.

For hard floors, use a mop to clean and disinfect floors.
Empty trash cans and clean them.

Glass surfaces to be cleaned by using a standard glass cleaner.

Make use of a disinfectant suitable for wiping down all surfaces like desks, tables, and countertops.

Sanitize all areas that are touched regularly, like buttons, light switches, door handles and more.

Bathroom cleaning, including toilets, sinks and floors and sanitizing these areas.

Weekly Cleaning Procedures

Hardwood floors and other hard surfaces to be buffed and polished.

Disinfect the front, sides, and handles of a refrigerator and discard expired food.

Clean all windows both on the inside as well as on the outside. Consider calling on the professionals to wash hard to reach windows.

Furthermore, dust all surfaces, equipment, ceiling fans, baseboards and other areas and surfaces around the office and home.

Monthly Cleaning Procedures

Clean all furniture in the office and home, paying attention to bookcases, wall and ceiling mounted items and nooks.

Clean air vents.

All surfaces need to be deep cleaned.

Commercial Cleaning Services for a Post-Covid Era

While the majority of walk-in businesses have largely recovered, some are still having trouble implementing the new requirements for commercial cleaning in a post-Covid era. Here are a few sectors that must keep pace with the new cleaning requirements.

Hospitality Cleaning Services

Some states were affected by lockdown protocols during the pandemic. There were still people that traveled during this time, and many were quarantined in hotels. The number of travelers has since increased sharply now that we are in a post-pandemic time. These travelers are again staying in hotels and other residential establishments, but they have specific and high expectations when it comes to cleaning services.

Retail Cleaning Services and Disinfection Requirements

Even in a post-pandemic world, there are many people that have grown used to the concept of social distancing and self-isolation. These people would rather avoid warehouses or retail stores, due the large crowds that come through these places. To disinfect and clean retail stores to effectively keep customers and staff protected, focus on the common areas. Make sure to regularly clean high-touch surfaces and areas.

What Surface Cleaning Technique is Recommended to Stop the Spread of Covid-19?

The risk of spreading the virus in an organization is reduced by cleaning surfaces and high-touch areas with soap or other detergent solutions. Daily cleaning of these areas should be sufficient, unless someone has been identified as having been infected, in which case a deep cleaning is required.

For daily cleaning, clean high-touch areas first and wash your hands thereafter. If soap detergents are not sufficient, make use of a 60% alcohol-based sanitizer.

Upgrades and Additional Cleaning Services

“A clean home, a clean body, and clean company. Do you know where that leads?” This is what Nia Prose says and yes, of course we know where that leads. It leads to order and an environment that supports the health of the people within it. Having people do business with you in a clean setting that conveys your care for human health, gives you a sense of fulfillment and success.

Businesses occasionally require additional services to improve the aesthetic and operation efficiency of their premises. You can upgrade and add some of the extra office cleaning services listed below to your planning.

Cleaning Services Focused on Disinfection and Sanitization

People continue to be hesitant to venture out and interact with others. Therefore, people and organizations put in extra effort to keep allergy and flu-causing bacteria out of their homes and places of work.

To help draw in more customers, it can be a good idea to add sanitization and disinfection services to your regular cleaning routine. You can either engage your staff to help with intensive sanitization or get a professional team in to take care of this as part of your regular commercial cleaning services. Whichever way you choose to go, the goal is to keep customers and employees safe. Euro House Cleaning Services is a good example of a professional office and house cleaning services company that you can call on.

Specialized Cleaning for Stone and Hardwood Flooring

Different cleaning techniques are required for various floor types. Whilst many floors can be cleaned with simply a broom and a mop, some flooring requires specialized attention.

For example, marble flooring is frequently seen in residential and commercial structures and this type of flooring needs a special touch to live up to its full potential. Certified floor care is a specialized cleaning service that can be added to your office or even residential house cleaning services. It will help you draw more customers and even give you a competitive advantage. It represents your commitment and ability to pay attention to all the details involving your business.

Euro House Cleaning Services will ensure that your company keeps up with the new standard of cleanliness expected in a post-pandemic world.

In this post-Covid-19 age, commercial cleaning requires maybe even twice as much work as just the standard cleaning of the past. Additionally, a company that sees a lot of customers coming through its doors, without implementing sufficient hygiene practices, exposes customers and workers to health risks. Through this post we hope that you will see the importance of creating and maintaining a healthy and clean work and retail environment. Use a professional company that offers cleaning services Des Plaines. Contact us and we will clean for you!

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